You probably have a basic understanding of the importance of personal auto insurance. In fact, you’ve likely had such an insurance policy most of your life. However, many business owners are unaware of the importance of commercial vehicle insurance. This type of policy can cover a variety of different vehicles including cars, trucks, forklifts and motorized carts as well as their operators. Companies such as taxi services or transport companies insure their fleets with commercial auto insurance,but companies without a fleet of vehicles can also use commercial auto coverage to insure employees driving their own vehicles or renting cars for company business.
TD Insurance works with a wide variety of businesses. We provide vehicle insurance to small businesses with a fleet of one or two vehicles as well as to businesses with larger fleets. However, these aren’t the only businesses for which we provide vehicle insurance. Businesses requiring commercial auto insurance include
Our agents make customer service a top priority. In our 33 years of industry experience, we have learned how to write policies that save our clients time, money and hassles. Call us today to review your business insurance needs. Your agent can help evaluate what commercial vehicle insurance your company needs, and we’ll also do the research to help you find the most affordable policy that meets those needs.
If you already have a commercial vehicle policy, make an appointment with us to review it. Regular reviews of your insurance policy help to make sure you continue with the best coverage for your circumstances. The best times for a review of commercial insurance include at the close of the fiscal year as well as anytime you have a significant change in management or your number of employees.
To learn more about commercial vehicle insurance and other services provided by TD Insurance, contact us right away.